HLab Concept
at University Lumiere

Dignity for the dead, Hope and Opportunity for the Living

Haitian Laboratories – HLab

The Haiti Recovery and Development Company, LLC  is initiating its pioneering HLab Concept  (Haitian Laboratories) concept.

Paying homage to results achieved by Bell Laboratories research and development facilities from the 1920’s through 2000’s, the philosophical underpinnings of the HLab program are designed by HR&DC to specifically meet the needs of Haiti.  Bell Labs set the standard for cumulative intellectual excellence and this is the mindset HR&DC will plans to replicate with its HLab initiative.   While the ultimate aim of Bell Labs was to transform new knowledge into new things, the HR&DC goal is to transform new knowledge into new outcomes through new leaders.

Our alliance partnership and the HLab program are both in their infancy. As we are in an evolutionary phase, we will collaboratively build on this initiative with the help and support of Univeriste Lumiere. Here is a present snapshot of the basic HLab tenets and some program details:

logo ulumI


Program Philosophy:
Through a uniquely Haitian ideology of nationalism and individual competitiveness, each participant will become the living embodiment of Haitian exceptionalism.
  • Haiti Recovery and Development Company
  • Faculty, staff, students and alumni of Universite Lumiere)
  • Members of the broader entrepreneurial community
  • Members of the broader academic community
All HLab participants will be considered members of Haiti Recovery and Development Company’s “Haitian Renaissance Delegation.”  As a result, all authorized participants will be referred to as “Delegates.”

Images from the Field

    Haitian Labratories - HLAB Initiative

    Dignity for the Dead, Hope and Opportunity for the Living

    Project Goal and Objectives


    To institute a transformative, entrepreneurial-centric business incubator and career pathing program designed to aggregate an unprecedented pool of intellectual capital to assist Haiti in the achievement of the country's potential.

    Desired Outcome:

    • HR&DC: To aggregate together an unprecedented pool of intellectual capital and to transform said capital into dynamic, long-term “solutions teams” for HR&DC initiatives.
    • University Lumiere: To become a “best in class” University by graduating students who are better prepared for life as working professionals.
    • Student: To become a more skilled and marketable individual thereby gaining an advantage over his/her professional rivals with potential employers, or as entrepreneurs.
    • Business Community: To gain access to HLab’s brightest minds for potential employment and/or entrepreneurial opportunities.

    Project Current Status

    • Rev. Jean-Chavannes, Dean of University Lumiere, pledged his support to HR&DC's initiatives and offers the support of the university's 2,500 students, 3,500 Alumni and several hundred faculty members.
    • University Lumiere and HR&DC entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to install a business incubator and career pathing program to assist in filling discipline capacity gaps in the country.
    • HR&DC CEO, Jim Lange, delivered a presentation to student leaders to introduce the concept of the renaissance delegation and opportunities availed by the HLab.
    •  More than half of the schools’ 2,500 students actively vied for one of the 90 available slots in the University of Lumiere Business Incubator program.
    • Jim Lange met with selected students to begin working on implementing the framework of the HLab.

    Project Next Steps

    HR&DC will begin identifying projects around the country where assistance is needed and student delegates can begin to apply their knowledge and assistance in creating forward progress.

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