Haitian Renaissance Delegations Begin To Take Shape

by / Sunday, 18 September 2011 / Published in Featured, Haitian Renaissance, Jim's Corner


In the immediate aftermath of Haiti’s January 12, 2010, earthquake, I established a new company, Haiti Recovery & Development Company LLC, with the sole purpose of helping Haiti and its people.

The company’s mission is the creation, implementation and management of a comprehensive recovery and development program and assisting with the creation of an economic engine whereby self-reliance is ultimately possible for Haiti.

Our plan from the founding of HR&DC has been to accomplish this through strategic alliance partnerships with charitable and for-profit organizations, leading governments, international institutions and agencies. A central aspect of the plan is the creation of Haitian Renaissance Delegations.

Haiti Recovery & Development Company will pick up where relief efforts leave off

Good will and resolve aside, history is littered with well-intended initiatives (people and/or organizations) that have failed miserably to improve the lives of the downtrodden.  History is also littered with well-intended initiatives that have successfully addressed very specific “relief-oriented” problems resulting from catastrophic events (earthquake, hurricanes, etc.), only to disappear once their mission is satisfied. In addition to this myopic “problem-solution-exit” scenario, it appears the world’s attention span is short and fickle.

Unfortunately, time and again, Haiti has fallen victim to such abandonment realities and its ability to transition into a sustained recovery and development phase has never occurred. On a side note, Haiti has also suffered tremendously from some not so well intended intervention.

Unprecedented Intellectual Capital in Haitian Renaissance Delegations

To help ensure Haiti is not forsaken in the long-term and to make certain a sustainable recovery and development phase takes hold, HR&DC has been initiating an unprecedented cadre of Haitian Renaissance Delegations from around the world in six disparate sectors: Haitian Nationals, Diaspora, World Citizens, For-Profit, Not-For-Profit and Academia.

By gathering together an unprecedented pool of intellectual capital from around the world, and then transforming said capital into dynamic, long-term “solutions teams,” we hope to nurture and inspire a Haitian Renaissance through long-term activism.

If you would like to find out more about the role of our Haitian Renaissance Delegations in Haiti’s recovery and development, or how you can get involved, visit the Haiti Recovery & Development Company website.

If you have thoughts or questions about our Haitian Renaissance Delegations comment below in the field provided.  We’d love to hear what you think.

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One Response to “Haitian Renaissance Delegations Begin To Take Shape”

  1. “The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.” ~ Ferdinand Foch

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