Haiti’s Largest Resettlement Camp(s) to Become a City? HR&DC Leads Way

by / Sunday, 23 March 2014 / Published in Blog, Economic Development, Featured, HR&DC, Jim's Corner


Earlier this morning, I conducted a clandestine meeting regarding the transition of Haiti’s largest resettlement camp(s) into a legally recognized city.

While extreme confidentiality is a must at this juncture, I (and those on attendance) believe strongly that history will one day view this meeting as a fulcrum moment in stabilization of the Haiti.

Next, I traveled to Titanyen to audit the condition of the mass grave sites. While I wish I had good news, it pains me to report that further desecration of the bodies has occurred with mounds of new garbage doting the landscape. This is an absolutely shameful situation that must, and will be, addressed at the highest levels of government.

With Titanyen still fresh in my mind, I traveled to Tapio (just north of the mass grave sites) where I meet with Father Bien-amie and numerous leaders from the surrounding communities. The purpose of our gathering was to discuss the status of the enterprise zone we collaboratively instituted in late in 2013. While it was good just to see my colleagues, I must confess that their efforts, results and camaraderie really picked up my spirits.

As for what remains on the docket, later this evening, I am scheduled to meet with a colleague who is my bridge to those who handled the bodies post the earthquake. If the past is any indication of the future, I’ll probably need a stiff drink after we conclude our conversation.

That’s it for now. It’s time to grab a bite to eat and to steady myself for what’s about to occur.


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