Plans Begin to Bloom – Day 3

by / Saturday, 14 January 2012 / Published in Economic Development, Featured, Jim's Corner, Recovery

Haiti Trip; Day Three: Since Haitian roosters cannot tell time, my day started earlier than expected, (3:45 AM). As a result of my early awakening, I am typing this post with one eye open and that eye is watering from the smell of my socks. As for today’s activities, I spent the morning in Cite Soleil touring a soap factory and community school with Reginald Auguste. Reginald is known throughout every strata of Haiti, and he has promised to help me create employment opportunities at the Corail Resettlement Camp. In the afternoon, I spent time with Anne Hastings of Fonkoze. Anne run’s Haiti’s largest micro financing program and her efforts have already transformed the lives thousands of marginalized Haitians. As for this evening, I spent a few hours with Neil Van Dine, of Haiti Outreach, discussing our plans to establish an enterprise zone in Pignon. Our goal, which is admittedly lofty, is to create Haiti’s third largest city over the next 10 years. Overall, Day 3 turned out to be pretty good. That’s all for today–Good Night.

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