Haiti’s Twin Tragedy: Cholera and the Lack of Sanitation Plan

by / Monday, 25 October 2010 / Published in Environmental Development, Featured, Haiti News, Medical Care, Recovery

By Dino Eliadis, SVP Operations Haiti Recovery and Development Company, LLC

The New York Times article Cholera Reported in Several Areas in Haiti is the next in a wave of tragedies still to come after the January 12, 2010 earthquake.  Fear is that an epidemic will spread to the displacement camps which could kill as many people as the earthquake.

The article also states “It can be headed off by trucking in clean water or huge filters that can clean local water.”  This is like treating a cut artery by putting a bandage on it.  This is not the solution to the problem.  It is only a short-term fix to a symptom of a much larger problem.

According to Wikipedia, Cholera is transmitted through ingestion of water contaminated with the cholera bacterium, usually from feces.  Which means poor water treatment and sanitation are the main sources of the problem.  Trucking in water only fixes a symptom of the real problem and exacerbates an already nightmarish logistical situation.

What are needed are modern water treatments systems.  We have already referenced the issue of water in our earlier blog post “Water – A Major Resource for Haiti’s Recovery.”  We addressed this problem at the very start of our comprehensive plan to rebirth the nation of Haiti and are ready with a comprehensive solution.

HR&DC strategic partners in water treatment have more than 30 years experience in solving this problem in third world countries all around the world.  What is needed now is the attention of the political leaders that can authorize this kind of project.

What are your thoughts on this situation and how it has been handled to this point?

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