6 Day Trip Revolves Around Transitioning Mass Graves at Titanyen
It’s early Wednesday morning and I am awaiting my flight from Tampa to Miami en route to Haiti. Since I will be on the go from the moment I deplane in Port au Prince, I thought it wise to check-in before fully engaging in the tasks that await me.
Though I will be in Haiti for 6 days conducting meetings of every sort, the crux of this trip revolves around my ongoing effort to transition mass graves in Titanyen into a place of reverence and human dignity.
To that end, on the fourth anniversary of Haiti’s catastrophic earthquake, (January 12th), I’ll once again travel to where the earth hides the failure of man. I will grieve for those to broken to cry and in my angst I will bow my head and whisper through the weeds to those entombed, ‘you are not alone and you have not been forgotten.’
Until tomorrow…
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