The Haitian Renaissance

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It’s Sunday morning and I am attending to some last minute details for my upcoming, 8-day, trip to Haiti. Similar to previous trips, I will arrive in Haiti on the heels of another catastrophic event, in this case it’s Hurricane Sandy.  As of this moment, Sandy’s death toll is listed at 29, though I expect

Haiti Trip; Day Six: It’s very early Sunday morning and I’m shaking off the effects of another poor night of sleep. As I glance at myself in the mirror to my left two thoughts immediately come to mind: 1) I notice that I resemble a mangled, metal clothes hanger once used to unlock someone’s car

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  Haiti Trip; Day Five:  Earlier today, in a quiet office not far from the mass graves in Titanyen, I participated in a meeting with Reginald Auguste and Daniel Rouzier. Since this meeting was two years in the making for me, and decades in the making for Haiti, I found our conversation to be both

The Transfer of Self Worth

Friday, 13 July 2012 by

Haiti Trip; Day Four: Instead of listing today’s various activities and meetings, I think I’ll leave you with a quote by Benjamin Disraeli that guided every one of my conversations today: “The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own.” It is

Haiti Trip; Day Three: In Haiti’s 2010 Earthquake, over 300,000 human beings (people just like you and me) died in less time than it will take you to read this post. I was reminded of this brutal fact as I made my way through the “still” shattered remnants of Haiti’s capital, Port au Prince, on

Haiti Trip; Day Two: It’s a little before 10:00 PM and I just finished dinner. It’s been a long day and I am happy to be stationary. While today was filled with many important conversations, the main thrust of my meetings fell into these three categories: 1) job creation 2) logistics and supply chain management 3)

Haiti Trip; Day One: Unlike previous trips where my first day was primarily a travel day, this trip is slated to start off with great intensity and intrigue. From the moment I de-plane in Port au Prince, I will be escorted through immigration by a specially assigned security agent to ensure my expeditious processing. I

Haiti Trip; Final Preparation: It’s a little before 11:30 PM and I am in my office tying up a few loose ends. From our bedroom my wife, Alex, has summoned me to bed. She is a good wife, better than I deserve, and she knows what’s best for me; especially when I am anxious and

Almost Home

Tuesday, 22 May 2012 by

Haiti Trip; Day Eight: Today’s post comes to you from the Miami Airport, where I am thankful to be halfway home and grateful beyond words to be “fully” alive. While there is so much that I would like to share with you regarding this trips developments, I sorry to say that this installment will be

A Weary Traveler Reflects

Monday, 21 May 2012 by

Haiti Trip; Day Seven: With a weeks worth of Haitian dirt clinging to my shoes, and to the backpack that has been my constant companion, I have retired to the small room that I call home to complete this post and to the chores associated with my return to the United States. While today’s activities