The Haitian Renaissance

Stay informed about what we're doing and how you can get involved

Job creation

Haiti Trip (January ‘19); Day Four: Today, I turn my full attention to the living, with activities scheduled in every stratum of society. While this forum does not allow for full public disclosure of my interactions, areas such as job creation initiatives, religion, politics, higher education and general mentoring will fill my docket. Additionally, I

Constructing A Road to the Future

Monday, 05 January 2015 by

  In the midst of the chaos and turmoil Haiti is presently experiencing, HR&DC is proud to report a first in Haiti’s 210 year history. In the middle of the country’s most volatile area, without state or international funds, a group of unlikely colleagues (landowners and resettlement camp residents) have joined forces to construct a

Job creation

Job Creation and Microfinancing… I started off my day by picking up a colleague of mine, in from the States, at the airport in Port au Prince. Immediately upon her arrival we met with the director of a global organization whose mission is to provide micro loans to small businesses. This was an fruitful first

Haitian National Memorial & Peace Park | Mass Gravesites

Haiti Trip (June ’14), Day Two: It’s nearing dusk in Haiti and I’m exhausted. Unfortunately for me, my workday is hours from completion and I am miles away from my next appointment. Since I will not have access to the Internet until much later this evening, here is a brief overview of today’s activities. I

  Haiti Trip (March); Day Three: As I sit here typing this post through crossed and blurry eyes, I find it hard to believe that I can be this tired after only three days here in Haiti. As for today’s activities, I spent the morning and early afternoon in Croix des Bouquets touring a new, state-of-the-art,

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New Haiti Preparing to Dawn

Thursday, 10 January 2013 by

Haiti Trip (January); Day Three: It’s dusk in Haiti and all around me the ballet of change from work-to-rest is full to view. Unfortunately for me, my workday is hours from completion and I am miles away from my next appointment. Since I will not have access to the Internet until much later this evening,

Progress on 3 Different Fronts in Haiti

Wednesday, 09 January 2013 by

  Haiti Trip (January); Day Two: It’s a little after 9:30 pm and I’ve just excused myself from the dinner table. While today was filled with many important conversations, the main thrust of my activities fell into these three categories: The mass grave initiative in Titanyen Job creation opportunities in underserved communities Crisis management for

  Haiti Trip; (December), Day Eight: It’s approximately 9:30pm and I have just arrived at Miami’s International Airport. And though my itinerary says that I am physically more than half way home, the truth of the matter is I find myself somewhere beyond the grasp of my intelligence and the scope of my vocabulary. As

  Haiti Trip; (December) Day Seven: While there is so much that I would like to share with you regarding today’s historic developments, I sorry to say that this installment will be short on details as I am thoroughly exhausted and I am having a great of difficulty seeing the keyboard. With that being said,

  Haiti Trip; (December) Day Four: It’s a little after 10:30 pm and I have returned to the solace found within the little bedroom that is my home away from home. While today was filled with many important conversations, the main thrust of my activities fell into these two categories: 1) Land tenure issues pertaining