The Haitian Renaissance

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Hello Cuba – Goodbye Hispaniola?

Sunday, 23 August 2015 by
Hello Cuba - Goodbye Hispaniola?

If you admitted that you know little to nothing about the geopolitics of the Caribbean you wouldn’t be alone. Most Americans don’t. The same might be said about the United States government. For over 200 years, successive American administrations have intervened in this region, and their track record indicates they, too, find the geopolitics of

  I’m on my to Miami to participate in a gala (fundraiser) being conducted by Rebati Sante Mentale. RSM is a group of 200-plus psychiatrists whom I’ve selected to handle mental issues for me in Haiti. I am a guest of honor at the event and our aim is to raise awareness and funds specifically

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  I’m at Tampa’s International Airport on my way to Haiti for 7 days. Unlike previous trips where my attention has been customarily divided into three main categories, (the transformation of the mass graves in Titanyen into a memorial and peace park, establishing the footprint for 5 modern communities throughout the country and capacity gap

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  Haiti Trip; (December), Day Eight: It’s approximately 9:30pm and I have just arrived at Miami’s International Airport. And though my itinerary says that I am physically more than half way home, the truth of the matter is I find myself somewhere beyond the grasp of my intelligence and the scope of my vocabulary. As

Day Seven: In a seemingly endless run of good luck, I am happy to report the following developments. (FYI-Due to confidentiality restrictions placed upon me, I can only discuss today’s activities in “general” terms. I will, however, provide full disclosure of all individuals and/or companies when I am legally allowed to do so.) Earlier today,

In most real estate transactions, the three most important factors to consider when buying land are: location, location, location.  In Haiti’s real estate market, these 8 factors obstruct every potential real estate transaction: Haiti is an island and, as such, land is a finite commodity Elite families own and control most of Haiti’s useable real

To hear some people talk you would think that Haiti and Port au Prince are one in the same.  Of course, this line of thinking doesn’t make a lot of sense because “Haiti is a country” and “Port au Prince is a city.” For a variety of reasons, almost all involving economics, Haiti evolution as

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To accomplish Haiti Recovery & Development Company, LLC (HR&DC) mission, which is to assist with the creation of an economic engine whereby self-reliance is ultimately possible for Haiti and its people, manufacturing will be vital component to job creation and revenue generation.  As a result, we, HR&DC, must present a business case to corporate prospects and investors

The 5 Letters Of Life

Thursday, 06 January 2011 by

Water.  One word, 5 letters.  Water.  It is one of our first spoken words, and one of our most commonly spoken words throughout our lifetime.  Water is the world’s most precious commodity, yet nearly 1 billion people, according to,  lack access to clean potable water or proper sanitation systems.  In Haiti, the lack of clean

The Vultures Descend Upon Haiti

Monday, 20 December 2010 by

Next to loss of human life in any natural disaster, there is no greater tragedy than the economic exploitation by companies looking to make a quick buck.  Haiti’s plight in this area was just reported in a Washington Post article Would-be Haitian contractors miss out on aid.  They reported that only $1.60 of every $100