The 5 Letters Of Life
Water. One word, 5 letters. Water. It is one of our first spoken words, and one of our most commonly spoken words throughout our lifetime. Water is the world’s most precious commodity, yet nearly 1 billion people, according to, lack access to clean potable water or proper sanitation systems. In Haiti, the lack of clean
Water – A Major Resource for Haiti’s Recovery
One cannot address the safe water needs for each Haitian without first acknowledging the global problem of unsafe water. According to a UN report more people die from unsafe water than from all forms of violence, including war. One child under the age of five dies every 20 seconds from water-related diseases, according to the
Workforce & Training for a Haitian Renaissance
HR&DC Work Force and Training Plans One of the core objectives of HR&DC is to create, implement and manage a variety of construction-centric training and vocational programs throughout Haiti. It is our goal to replace the Haitian people’s history of subservience and acceptance with hope, meaningful work and some form of trade. Haiti’s WorkForce: The
- Published in Blog, Building Back Better, Development, Education, General, Self Reliant Haiti, Training
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