The Haitian Renaissance

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New Haiti Preparing to Dawn

Thursday, 10 January 2013 by

Haiti Trip (January); Day Three: It’s dusk in Haiti and all around me the ballet of change from work-to-rest is full to view. Unfortunately for me, my workday is hours from completion and I am miles away from my next appointment. Since I will not have access to the Internet until much later this evening,

  Haiti Trip; (December), Day Eight: It’s approximately 9:30pm and I have just arrived at Miami’s International Airport. And though my itinerary says that I am physically more than half way home, the truth of the matter is I find myself somewhere beyond the grasp of my intelligence and the scope of my vocabulary. As

The Vultures Descend Upon Haiti

Monday, 20 December 2010 by

Next to loss of human life in any natural disaster, there is no greater tragedy than the economic exploitation by companies looking to make a quick buck.  Haiti’s plight in this area was just reported in a Washington Post article Would-be Haitian contractors miss out on aid.  They reported that only $1.60 of every $100

A New National Sense of Pride

Sunday, 08 August 2010 by

Haitian Nationalism? At HR&DC, we believe “Nationalism” is a critical component for Haiti’s recovery and development.  For decades, Haiti’s unemployment rate has ranged from 50% to as high as 90%.  In addition to its unemployment woes, the Haitian people have endured numerous catastrophic events (hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, etc.) and years of corruption and manipulation. As

HR&DC Work Force and Training Plans One of the core objectives of HR&DC is to create, implement and manage a variety of construction-centric training and vocational programs throughout Haiti. It is our goal to replace the Haitian people’s history of subservience and acceptance with hope, meaningful work and some form of trade. Haiti’s WorkForce: The

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