The Haitian Renaissance

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More Good Work in North Haiti

Saturday, 03 November 2012 by

Haiti Trip (October-November); Day Six: In a few minutes I will be departing for Cap Haitien to meet with an well known and respected agronomist who is associated with the United Nations. The goal of this meeting will be to analyze the methodologies presently being used by successful micro-farming operations in the north. While in

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Mole Accepts A New Brother

Sunday, 20 May 2012 by

Haiti Trip; Day Six: I have just returned from my third trip to the rural Northwest section of Haiti, and the fishing village of Mole Saint-Nicolas. I am filthy, exhausted and covered with so many mosquito bites I look like I have the measles. And do you know what? I couldn’t be happier! While there

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Haiti Trip; Day Four: Today was “Flag Day” in Haiti. As a result, my docket of meetings was less hectic than normal, and I was able to avoid spending very much time in a car navigating the brutal roads of Port au Prince. (*MEMO TO SELF: Plan more trips to Haiti when National Holidays are

In most real estate transactions, the three most important factors to consider when buying land are: location, location, location.  In Haiti’s real estate market, these 8 factors obstruct every potential real estate transaction: Haiti is an island and, as such, land is a finite commodity Elite families own and control most of Haiti’s useable real

It’s been over a year since Haiti’s devastating earthquake and most of the world views Haiti’s reconstruction, or lack thereof, through confused and angry eyes. For those of us who care about Haiti, we see millions of Haitians either homeless or encamped in tent cities. And day after day we hold out hope that Haiti’s

The 5 Letters Of Life

Thursday, 06 January 2011 by

Water.  One word, 5 letters.  Water.  It is one of our first spoken words, and one of our most commonly spoken words throughout our lifetime.  Water is the world’s most precious commodity, yet nearly 1 billion people, according to,  lack access to clean potable water or proper sanitation systems.  In Haiti, the lack of clean

The Vultures Descend Upon Haiti

Monday, 20 December 2010 by

Next to loss of human life in any natural disaster, there is no greater tragedy than the economic exploitation by companies looking to make a quick buck.  Haiti’s plight in this area was just reported in a Washington Post article Would-be Haitian contractors miss out on aid.  They reported that only $1.60 of every $100