Founder Jim Lange’s Vision For Haiti’s Recovery: Master Plan For 5 New Cities
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
by Bob Linger
HR&DC’s Purpose In the immediate aftermath of Haiti’s devastating earthquake, I founded Haiti Recovery and Development Company with one simple goal: to help the Haitian people have a better quality of life by assisting with the creation of an economic engine whereby self-reliance could ultimately be possible for Haiti. In broad-brush terms, I am
$900,000 for a 3 Bedroom…in Haiti?
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
by Bob Linger
NPR’s story about Haiti’s brittle housing supply and the competition for what little housing is available ($900,000 for a 3 bedroom…in Haiti?), for Haiti’s IDP (internally displaced persons) as a result of the January 12th earthquake As the story notes ” There are not enough houses, and not enough money for people to rent
- Published in 2010 Earthquake, Blog, Featured, Get Involved, Haiti News, Jim's Corner
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