The Haitian Renaissance

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Haiti Trip; Day Five: I just saw my reflection in a bathroom mirror and I nearly scared myself to death. In fact, in a twisted and ironic kind of way, I look more like a resident of Titanyen than the guy trying to bring them some dignity…lol. Man, I am going to need a makeover

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Haiti Trip; Day Four: Today was “Flag Day” in Haiti. As a result, my docket of meetings was less hectic than normal, and I was able to avoid spending very much time in a car navigating the brutal roads of Port au Prince. (*MEMO TO SELF: Plan more trips to Haiti when National Holidays are

A Quiet Hero Offers His Help

Thursday, 17 May 2012 by

Haiti Trip; Day Three: In the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake, many brave and honorable Haitians answered the call of duty in ways that can only be described as “heroic.” Some risked their very lives by climbing into the bowels of collapsed and teetering buildings, all in an effort to aid those in critical need.

Positive Progress in Corail

Wednesday, 16 May 2012 by

Haiti Trip; Day Two: It is twilight in Haiti and I am alone in my room. Outside my window the sounds of life rise and fall to meet my ears, and I find myself genuinely comforted by the embrace of my unseen friends. As for todays activities, the morning was spent meeting with the key

Haiti Trip; Day One: While today was meant to be mainly a travel day, I’m happy to report that significant progress was made on the job-creation front. In short, two potential investors verbally agreed to enter into an MOU’s (Memorandum Of Understanding) to create sustainable jobs in Mole Saint-Nicolas and at the Corail resettlement camp.

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My luggage is packed and staged in the laundry room. Out of sight, yes, though certainly not out of mind. In the morning I depart for Haiti, and for 8-days I will crisscross the country promoting values that we all hold dear; Dignity, Hope and Opportunity. As I have done in the past, I will

Day Seven: In a seemingly endless run of good luck, I am happy to report the following developments. (FYI-Due to confidentiality restrictions placed upon me, I can only discuss today’s activities in “general” terms. I will, however, provide full disclosure of all individuals and/or companies when I am legally allowed to do so.) Earlier today,

A Humble Helper Arrives

Tuesday, 03 April 2012 by

Day Six:  It is Monday morning and I am back in Port au Prince after spending two days in Mole Saint-Nicolas. While nobody can predict the future, I would not be surprised if the events of the last 48 hours will be talked about for years to come. While this space doesn’t allow for great

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Another City Begins to Emerge

Tuesday, 03 April 2012 by

  Day Five: The morning sun and a neighbor’s rooster (who I have affectionately named “Dead-If-I-Can-Catch-Him”) have played their sleep-spoiler role to perfection. So be it. Since I have a full day ahead of me, I guess it’s best that I just get started. As for today, I fly to Mole Saint-Nicolas to begin the

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Day Four: It’s a little before 1:30 AM and I am finally able to jot down a few highlights before I pass out. Today, I experienced several moments of profound intrigue as I found myself interacting with historical members of Haiti’s past and its future. In fact, for much of the day I felt so